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4 From Taylor G

by on December 6, 2013


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One Comment
  1. hagerbridget permalink

    While it is promising to hear that these conferences are ending early due to universal agreement that climate change is indeed a problem that is in desperate need of a solution, the “lack of urgency” is a bit concerning. It is good to know that these conferences are acknowledging the inevitability of rising sea levels and the subsequent destruction of countries, creating an extremely large population of displaced people. However, when I read this line in the article “Governments in Warsaw decided to establish an international mechanism to offer vulnerable populations protection against loss and damage caused by extreme weather events and rising sea levels,” I immediately thought of the idea of the life boat and the creation of environmental refugees. How exactly are the “green climate fund” going to allocate these funds? Who will qualify for aid? Essentially, like we discussed in class, who will be allowed in the lifeboat?

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